PARS CPP JSON Schema v5-0-3

Type: object

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This framework is designed to help you create a data file that meets the Project Assessment and Reporting System (PARS) Comprehensive Project Performance (CPP) upload requirements as specified by DOE. It includes both a machine-readable format for software development and a human-readable PDF document approved for easy reference. It's important to note that while this schema checks for basic file integrity, the PARS application performs additional quality checks.


The JSON Schema is a blueprint for structuring cost, schedule, and other Earned Value Management System (EVMS) data for submission to PARS. Your JSON file must adhere to this schema to be accepted by PARS.

A proper PARS JSON file submission should be a zip file named after the PARS ID and the CPP status date (e.g., This zip file should contain JSON files that are named according to the DS number and title (like DS01_WBS.json, DS07_IMPR_header.json). It's crucial that the PARSID and CPP_status_date within each JSON file are consistent. If you have multiple zip files generated by different tools, the PARS uploader will accept and process multiple files so long as there is only one of each dataset.

Datasets DS01 through DS07 are required for a successful upload, and additional datasets will be required in the future. All datasets are currently accepted and contractors are encouraged to provide the most comprehensive upload possible.

The PARS Support Team oversees this schema and handles the technical aspects of PARS uploads. For any queries, reach out to them at

No Additional Properties

Type: string Default: ""

The JSON schema for this object. This should always be set to the ID of this schema document.

Type: string

PARS identifier for the project for which data is submitted. Should look like a 1-4 digit integer, but is a string.

Type: stringFormat: date

Contractor data-as-of-date, align with DS22.



Type: string

Use this field to store any labeling or designations related to data security such as CUI designations. Populate as appropriate to project's or site's security policies.


Type: array of object

This data set should be populated with the project's contractor WBS identifiers for the entire span of the project (not the contract).
Provide the contractor WBS identifiers in a hierarchical structure from the project (not the contract) level to the CA WBS level and to the WP and PP WBS levels.
The data set should include all WBS identifiers in all other DSs in the same format. The data should align with dollarized RAM identifying intersections of CA WBS and OBS types.

Must contain a minimum of 1 items

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

This object represents a single WBS record for a project

No Additional Properties

Type: string

Unique contractor WBS identifier.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 150 characters long



Type: string

Unique WBS identifier title.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 255 characters long


"Testing/Surveillance Improvements"

Type: integer

WBS identifier hierarchical level relative to the project.
The data is > 0, starting with 1 and increments by 1.
The dataset should have only one level 1 WBS identifier that represents the entire project.

Value must be greater or equal to 1 and lesser or equal to 20

Type: string

WBS identifier of the immediate hierarchical parent.
Required unless DS01.level = 1.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 150 characters long



Type: enum (of string)

WBS type selection:
• WBS = summary level
• SLPP = summary level planning package (assigned to project manager not to a CAM; thus, is not a CA and does not have any WP, PP, or lower DS01.WBS_level
• CA = control account
• PP = planning package
• WP = work package
MR, UB, contingency, and SM tasks should be associated with DS01.type = WBS.
Should be set to PP or SLPP if DS03.EVT = K.
BCWS, BCWP, ACWP, and ETC are roll-ups where DS01.type = CA or WBS.
BCWS, BCWP, ACWP, and ETC are accounted for where DS01.type = WP or PP.
While not preferred, ACWP may be collected at the CA level, i.e. where DS01.type = CA. However, the level ACWP is collected must be uniform across the dataset, i.e., all at CA or all at WP.

Must be one of:

  • "WBS"
  • "SLPP"
  • "CA"
  • "PP"
  • "WP"

Type: string

Unique contractor OBS identifier that should be aligned with the associated CA and DS02.OBS.
If DS01.type is above the CA, associate to the higher level OBS identifier.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long



Type: string

CAM selection:
• CAM name for DS01.type = CA, WP, PP.
• Project manager name for DS01.type = SLPP.
• Project or appropriate manager name for DS01.type = WBS.
Format: [last name] space [first name] space [middle initial, optional].

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 100 characters long


"Whitney Zachary B"

Type: string

WP manager.
Required if DS01.type is WP or PP.
Format: [last name] space [first name] space [middle initial, optional].

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 100 characters long


"Guitierez Jose"

Type: string

Unique subproject identifier aligned with DS04.subproject_ID.
Required if DS01.WBS_external = Y.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long

Type: string

Unique IMP identifier.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long

Type: enum (of string)

WBS is external to the project (Y or N).

Must be one of:

  • "Y"
  • "N"

Type: string

Criteria to determine completion of the WBS scope.
Required if DS01.type = CA or SLPP.
Provide if available for DS01.type = WBS, WP, or PP.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 3000 characters long

Type: string

WBS identifier description from the EVMS cost tool; the scope statement or a short paragraph based on the WBS dictionary and aligned with DS08.narrative.
Align with DS08.narrative.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 10000 characters long


"Testing/Surveillance Improvements"

Type: string

Contractual basis: contract number, section(s), and paragraph(s).
Align with DS07.K_ID.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 3000 characters long

Type: string

Unique base work construct identifier.
Level 3 BWC where DS01.type = SLPP, WP, or PP.
Level 2 and 3 BWC:
• W.01 support
• ​ W.01.01 project
• ​ W.01.02 closeout
• ​ W.01.03 operations
• W.02 engineering
• ​ W.02.01 R&D
• ​ W.02.02 conceptual
• ​ W.02.03 preliminary
• ​ W.02.04 final
• ​ W.02.05 general
• W.03 procurement
• ​ W.03.01 general
• W.04 construction
• ​ W.04.01 engineering support
• ​ W.04.02 demolition
• ​ W.04.03 site preparation
• ​ W.04.04 construction
• W.05 SU-Cx
• ​ W.05.01 preparation
• ​ W.05.02 SU
• ​ W.05.03 cold cx
• ​ W.05.04 hot cx
Note: As of v5-0-2, values in this field are not validated to exactly match with the options. It is anticipated that in future versions, BWC_IDs will be required to contain the code only, e.g., W.02.01.

Type: string

For use only for debugging and testing with the PARS support team. This field should be omitted in production data.
The field should consist of a comma separated list of unique DIQ identifiers that this row of data is expected to trigger.


Type: array of object

This data set should be populated with the project's contractor functionally-based OBS identifiers for the entire span of the project (not the contract).
Provide the contractor OBS identifiers in a hierarchical structure from the project level to the CA WBS level.
The data should include all OBS identifiers in all other DSs in the same format. The data should align with dollarized RAM identifying intersections of CA WBS and OBS types.

Must contain a minimum of 1 items

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

This object represents a single OBS record for a project

Type: string

Unique contractor OBS identifier.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long



Type: string

Unique OBS identifier title.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 255 characters long


"Payroll & Benefits Accounting"
"Workforce Planning"

Type: integer

OBS identifier hierarchical level relative to the project.
The data is > 0, starting with 1 and increments of 1.
The data should have only one level 1 OBS identifier, the OBS identifier representing the head of the contractor.

Value must be greater or equal to 1 and lesser or equal to 20

Type: string

OBS identifier of the immediate hierarchical parent.
Required unless DS02.level = 1.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long



Type: enum (of string)

OBS is external to the project (Y or N).

Must be one of:

  • "Y"
  • "N"

Type: string

OBS identifier description from the EVMS cost tool.
A short paragraph based on the functional OBS.
Align with DS08.narrative.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 3000 characters long

Type: string

For use only for debugging and testing with the PARS support team. This field should be omitted in production data.
The field should consist of a comma separated list of unique DIQ identifiers that this row of data is expected to trigger.


Type: array of object

This data set should be populated with the project's contractor EVMS cost tool time-phased data for the entire span of the project (not the contract).
Provide the contractor EVMS cost tool time-phased data at the WP and PP WBS level by EOC.
The data should be provided at the WP, PP, and SLPP WBS levels only with one period_date/WBS_ID_WP/EOC record; however, provide at CA WBS level for only those CAs where ACWP (DS03.ACWPi_dollars and DS03.ACWPi_units) is reported for entire project.

Must contain a minimum of 1 items

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

This object represents a single cost record for a project

No Additional Properties

Type: stringFormat: date

Time-phased period end dates.
The data should align with the the CPP_status_dates, and not change during the span of the project.



Type: string

Unique WBS Identifier when data is reported at WP or PP level. Omit if data is not reported at WP or PP level.
• This should always have a matching entry in DS01.WBS_ID where DS01.type = WP or PP.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 150 characters long



Type: string

Unique WBS Identifier for the Control Account:
• If data is reported at the CA level, populate with the CA WBS_ID where data is reported.
• If data is reported at the WP or PP level, populate with the WBS_ID of the Control Account associated with the WP or PP.
• This should always have a matching entry in DS01.WBS_ID where DS01.type = CA.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 150 characters long



Type: enum (of string)

EOC selection:
• labor
• material
• subcontract
• indirect (may be used after coordination with PM. To consist only of indirect costs.)

Must be one of:

  • "labor"
  • "material"
  • "subcontract"
  • "ODC"
  • "indirect"

Type: enum (of string)

EVT selection that should be aligned with DS04.EVT (provide explanations in DS03.justification_EVT):
• A = LOE
• B = weighted milestones (explain if utilized)
• C = percent complete or for use in DS03, discrete (combination of discrete DS03.EVT excluding A, J, K, M, or NA)
• D = units complete
• E = 50-50
• F = 0-100
• G = 100-0 (explain if utilized)
• H = variation of 50-50 (explain if utilized)
• J = apportioned (explain if utilized)
• K = planning package (overrides where DS01.type = PP or SLPP)
• L = assignment percent complete (explain if utilized)
• M = calculated apportionment (explain if utilized)
• N = steps (explain if utilized)
• O = earned as spent (explain if utilized)
• P = percent manual entry (explain if utilized)
• NA = only for DS01.type = CA where ACWP is reported for the entire project.
Discrete EVTs for metrics consists of B, C, D, E, F, G, H, L, N, O, P.
Required if DS01.type = WP, PP, or SLPP.

Must be one of:

  • "A"
  • "B"
  • "C"
  • "D"
  • "E"
  • "F"
  • "G"
  • "H"
  • "J"
  • "K"
  • "L"
  • "M"
  • "N"
  • "O"
  • "P"
  • "NA"

Type: string

Justification narrative where DS03.EVT = B, G, H, J, L, M, N, O, or P.

Type: string

DS03.WBS_ID_WP apportioned to, if DS03.EVT = J or M.

Type: number

Percent apportioned, if apportioned from another DS03.WBS_ID_WP.

Type: number

BCWS incremental (dollars).



Type: number

BCWP incremental (dollars).



Type: number

ACWP incremental (dollars).



Type: number

ETC incremental (dollars).



Type: enum (of string)

Represents indirect costs only (Y or N)?
N if record is direct costs only.
Omit this field if costs include both direct and indirect costs.

Must be one of:

  • "Y"
  • "N"

Type: number

BCWS incremental (hours) where DS03.EOC = labor only.



Type: number

BCWP incremental (hours) where DS03.EOC = labor only.



Type: number

ACWP incremental (hours) where DS03.EOC = labor only.



Type: number

ETC incremental (hours) where DS03.EOC = labor only.



Type: number

BCWS incremental (FTE) where DS03.EOC = labor only.

Type: number

BCWP incremental (FTE) where DS03.EOC = labor only.

Type: number

ACWP incremental (FTE) where DS03.EOC = labor only.

Type: number

ETC incremental (FTE) where DS03.EOC = labor only.

Type: number

Reprogramming CV. Reprogramming adjustment, cost variance.

Type: number

Reprogramming SV. Reprogramming adjustment, schedule variance.

Type: number

Reprogramming BAC. Reprogramming adjustment, DB variance.

Type: string

Charge code identifier.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long



Type: string

Charge code description.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 3000 characters long


"Payroll & Benefits Accounting"
"Workforce Planning"

Type: string

For use only for debugging and testing with the PARS support team. This field should be omitted in production data.
The field should consist of a comma separated list of unique DIQ identifiers that this row of data is expected to trigger.


Type: array of object

This data set should be populated with the project's contractor BL and FC IMS tool data for the entire span of the project (not the contract).
Provide the contractor BL and FC IMS tool data by task.
There should be alignment between the BL and FC IMSs.

Must contain a minimum of 1 items

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

This object represents a single schedule record for a project

No Additional Properties

Type: enum (of string)

Schedule type selection:
• BL = baseline
• FC = forecast
The data should be scheduled by the schedule tool.

Must be one of:

  • "BL"
  • "FC"

Type: string

Task identifier.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long



Type: enum (of string)

Task type selection:
• TD = task dependent. Task is scheduled using its task calendar.
• RD = resource dependent. Task is scheduled using its resource calendar(s).
• LOE = level of effort. Task duration by its dependent task. Used for administration type tasks. Use should be limited. Likely DS04.EVT = A (level of effort) but could be different. Should have a start-to-start and a finish-to-finish predecessor relationship to a discrete tasks(s).
• SM = start milestone. Tasks with 0 duration and no resources.
• FM = finish milestone. Task with 0 duration and no resources.
• WS = WBS summary. Task of aggregated tasks with common DS04.WBS_ID. Use should be limited.

Must be one of:

  • "TD"
  • "RD"
  • "LOE"
  • "SM"
  • "FM"
  • "WS"

Type: string

Unique task description.
Should be descriptive with a verb.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 255 characters long

Type: enum (of string)

Task subtype selection:
• SVT = A non-PMB task for visibility/functionality to characterize potential impacts to the logic-driven network. Generally based on another project as a predecessor with a finish-to-start relationship. Generally constrained based on programmatic schedule with DS04.constraint_type = CS.MSOA or DS04.constraint_type = CS.MEOA but may be a hard constraint; DS04.constraint_type = M; not resource loaded.
• ZBA = zero budget activity. For subK payment tasks. Used on a limited basis; not resource loaded. Align with DS04.milestone_level = 8xx.

Must be one of:

  • "SVT"
  • "ZBA"

Type: integer

Milestone level selection for tasks that identify key milestones, deliverables, and control point dates (DS04.type = SM or FM).
Milestone level should align with DS04.constraint_type as appropriate.
• 1xx = DOE O 413.3B milestones. All 1xx are considered DS04.task_subtype = SVT, unless otherwise noted. Required milestones: All DOE Order 413.3B milestones and milestones 100, 175, 180, 190, 195, 199.
​ • 100 = approve start project
​ • 110 = approve CD-0
​ • 111 = approve CD-0R-01
​ • 112 = approve CD-0R-02
​ • 120 = approve CD-1
​ • 121 = approve CD-1R-01
​ • 122 = approve CD-1R-02
​ • 130 = approve CD-2
​ • 131 = approve BCP-01
​ • 132 = approve BCP-02
​ • 133 = approve BCP-03
​ • 134 = approve BCP-04
​ • 135 = approve BCP-05
​ • 138 = approve reprogramming (not SVT) (Specify if OTB and/or OTS in DS04.milestone_level_description)
​ • 139 = approve replan (not SVT)
​ • 140 = approve CD-3A
​ • 141 = approve CD-3B
​ • 142 = approve CD-3C
​ • 143 = approve CD-3D
​ • 144 = approve CD-3E
​ • 145 = approve CD-3F
​ • 150 = approve CD-3
​ • 160 = approve CD-4A
​ • 161 = approve CD-4B
​ • 162 = approve CD-4C
​ • 163 = approve CD-4D
​ • 164 = approve CD-4E
​ • 165 = approve CD-4F
​ • 170 = planned/estimated completion without UB
​ • 175 = End of PMB. Planned/estimated completion with UB (calculated schedule reserve should align with duration from DS04.milestone_level = 175 to DS04.milestone_level = 180; should be aligned with DS03 last BCWS for BL or last ETC for FC to achieve CD-4; this is the end of the PARS ID; not SVT)
​ • 180 = contract completion (calculated schedule contingency should align with duration from DS04.milestone_level = 180 to DS04.milestone_level = 190) (Should be aligned with CBB date for BL or est CBB date for FC) (not SVT)
​ • 190 = approve CD-4
​ • 195 = approve closeout
​ • 199 = approve finish project
• 2xx = contract driven milestones & periods of performance
• 3xx = customer driven milestones. All 3xx are considered DS04.task_subtype = SVT.
• 4xx = programmatic driven milestones
• 5xx = major internal driven milestones
• 6xx = minor internal driven milestones
• 7xx = external driven milestones, e.g., regulatory, consent decree. All 7xx are considered DS04.task_subtype = SVT.
• 8xx = subK alignment milestones; align with DS13.task.

Value must be greater or equal to 100 and lesser or equal to 999



Type: string

Milestone level description.
Should align with DS04.milestone_level.
Should be descriptive with a verb.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long

Type: string

WP or PP or SLPP WBS identifier. Explain in DS04.justification_WBS if DS01.type is not WP, PP or SLPP.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 150 characters long

Type: string

Justification narrative for WBS identifier is not WP or PP or SLPP WBS.
Not required if no justification narrative for WBS identifier is not WP or PP or SLPP WBS.

Type: string

CAM selection:
• CAM name for DS01.type = CA, WP, PP.
• Project manager name for DS01.type = SLPP.
• Project or appropriate manager name for DS01.type = WBS
Format: [last name] space [first name] space [middle initial, optional].
Should align with DS01.CAM.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 100 characters long


"Whitney Zachary B"
"Burks Deanna A"
"Simon Avaya S"
"Moses Kendall"

Type: enum (of string)

EVT selection that should be aligned with DS03.EVT (explanations should go in DS04.justification_EVT):
• A = LOE. Should have a start-to-start and a finish-to-finish predecessor relationship to a discrete task(s).
• B = weighted milestones (explain if utilized)
• C = percent complete or for use in DS03, discrete (combination of discrete DS03.EVT excluding A, J, K, M, or NA)
• D = units complete
• E = 50-50
• F = 0-100
• G = 100-0 (explain if utilized)
• H = variation of 50-50 (explain if utilized)
• J = apportioned (explain if utilized). Should have a start-to-start and a finish-to-finish predecessor relationship to a discrete task(s).
• K = planning package (overrides where DS01.type = PP or SLPP)
• L = assignment percent complete (explain if utilized)
• M = calculated apportionment (explain if utilized). Should have a start-to-start and a finish-to-finish predecessor relationship to a discrete task(s).
• N = steps (explain if utilized)
• O = earned as spent (explain if utilized)
• P = percent manual entry (explain if utilized)
Discrete EVTs for metrics consists of B, C, D, E, F, G, H, L, N, O, P.

Must be one of:

  • "A"
  • "B"
  • "C"
  • "D"
  • "E"
  • "F"
  • "G"
  • "H"
  • "J"
  • "K"
  • "L"
  • "M"
  • "N"
  • "O"
  • "P"

Type: string

Justification narrative where DS04.EVT = B, G, H, J, L, M, N, O, or P.

Type: string

task_ID apportioned to, if DS04.EVT = J.

Type: number

Percent apportioned, if apportioned from another DS04.task_ID.

Type: stringFormat: date

Early start date.



Type: stringFormat: date

Early finish date.



Type: stringFormat: date

Late start date.



Type: stringFormat: date

Late finish date.



Type: stringFormat: date

Actual start date.



Type: stringFormat: date

Actual finish date.



Type: number

Original duration (work days).

Type: number

Remaining duration (work days).

Type: number

Actual duration (work days).

Type: number

Free float (work days).

Type: number

Total float (work days).

Type: string

Justification narrative for high float, DS04.float_total_days.

Type: string

Justification narrative for lag relation with predecessor, DS05.lag_days <> 0.

Type: enum (of string)

Task is on the longest path or on the driving path (Y or N).

Must be one of:

  • "Y"
  • "N"

Type: string

Align with only one DS15.risk_ID.
Provide if an RMT.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 255 characters long

Type: enum (of string)

% complete type selection (% complete used to calculate BCWP):
• duration (utilized when DS04.type = LOE or DS04.EVT = A)
• physical (utilized when DS04.type <> LOE, and DS04.EVT <> A)
• units (utilized when DS06.EOC = material)

Must be one of:

  • "duration"
  • "physical"
  • "units"

Type: number

Duration % complete.
If % complete = 100%, 1.00.
If 99% <= % complete < 100%, 0.99 (truncate remainder).
If 0 < % complete < 99%, round to 2 digits.
If 0 = % complete, 0.00.

Value must be greater or equal to 0 and lesser or equal to 1 and a multiple of 0.01

Type: number

Physical % complete.
If % complete = 100%, 1.00.
If 99% <= % complete < 100%, 0.99 (truncate remainder).
If 0 < % complete < 99%, round to 2 digits.
If 0 = % complete, 0.00.
Utilize if DS04.type = TD or RD.

Value must be greater or equal to 0 and lesser or equal to 1 and a multiple of 0.01

Type: number

Units % complete.
If % complete = 100%, 1.00.
If 99% <= % complete < 100%, 0.99 (truncate remainder).
If 0 < % complete < 99%, round to 2 digits.
If 0 = % complete, 0.00.
Utilize if DS04.type = TD or RD and DS06.EOC = material.

Value must be greater or equal to 0 and lesser or equal to 1 and a multiple of 0.01

Type: enum (of string)

Start primary constraint type selection:
• CS_ASAP = as soon as possible (not considered a soft or hard constraint)
• CS_MANDSTART = mandatory start (considered hard constraint)
• CS_MSO = must start on (considered hard constraint)
• CS_MSOA = must start on or after (considered soft constraint)
• CS_MSOB = must start on or before (considered hard constraint)
Finish primary constraint type selection:
• CS_ALAP = as late as possible (not considered a soft or hard constraint)
• CS_MANDFIN = mandatory finish (considered hard constraint)
• CS_MEO = must finish on (considered hard constraint)
• CS_MEOA = must finish on or after (considered soft constraint)
• CS_MEOB = must finish on or before (considered hard constraint)
Provide hard constraint justification in DS04.justification_constraint_hard.
Provide soft constraint justification in DS04.justification_constraint_soft.
Identify secondary constraint in DS04.justification_constraint_secondary.

Must be one of:

  • "CS_ASAP"
  • "CS_MSO"
  • "CS_MSOA"
  • "CS_MSOB"
  • "CS_ALAP"
  • "CS_MEO"
  • "CS_MEOA"
  • "CS_MEOB"

Type: stringFormat: date

Primary constraint date.
Not required if DS04.constraint_type = CS_ALAP or not provided.



Type: string

Justification narrative for hard constraint, DS04.constraint_type.

Type: string

Justification narrative for soft constraint, DS04.constraint_type.

Type: string

Description and justification narrative for secondary start and finish constraints.

Type: string

HDV-CI identifier.
The data should align with DS14.HDV_CI_ID.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long

Type: enum (of string) Default: "N"

Task is for a reprogramming effort.

Must be one of:

  • "Y"
  • "N"

Type: string

Calendar name for task.
Align with DS19.calendar_name and DS20.calendar_name.
Required unless task is an SVT.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 1000 characters long

Type: string

Unique subproject identifier.
Tasks not in project scope should be associated with that task's primary project, not this project's primary project. This includes SVTs, tasks pre-CD-0, and tasks post DS04.milestone_level = 175.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 100 characters long

Type: string

For use only for debugging and testing with the PARS support team. This field should be omitted in production data.
The field should consist of a comma separated list of unique DIQ identifiers that this row of data is expected to trigger.


Type: array of object

This data set should be populated with the project's contractor BL and FC IMS tool task relationship data for the DS04 tasks. The contractor BL and FC IMS tool task relationship data by task and predecessor. There should be alignment between the BL and FC IMSs.

Must contain a minimum of 1 items

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

This object represents a single schedule resource record for a project

No Additional Properties

Type: enum (of string)

Schedule type selection:
• BL = baseline
• FC = forecast
The data should be scheduled by the schedule tool.

Must be one of:

  • "BL"
  • "FC"

Type: string

Unique task identifier.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long

Type: string

Task identifier of the predecessor task.
The data should align with DS04.task_ID.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long

Type: enum (of string)

Task relationship (task to its predecessor) selection:
• FS = finish to start
• SS = start to start
• SF = start to finish
• FF = finish to finish

Must be one of:

  • "FS"
  • "SS"
  • "SF"
  • "FF"

Type: number

Task relationship lag (work days) based on predecessor's calendar.
The data is positive if lag.
The data is negative if lead.

Type: string

Unique subproject identifier.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 100 characters long

Type: string

Subproject identifier of the predecessor task's subproject, if applicable.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 100 characters long

Type: string

For use only for debugging and testing with the PARS support team. This field should be omitted in production data.
The field should consist of a comma separated list of unique DIQ identifiers that this row of data is expected to trigger.


Type: array of object

This data set should be populated with the project's contractor BL and FC IMS tool task role and resource data for the DS04 tasks.
Provide the contractor BL and FC IMS tool task role and/or resource data by task.
There should be alignment between the BL and FC IMSs.

Must contain a minimum of 1 items

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

This object represents a single schedule resource record for a project

No Additional Properties

Type: enum (of string)

Schedule type selection:
• BL = baseline
• FC = forecast
The data should be scheduled by the schedule tool.

Must be one of:

  • "BL"
  • "FC"

Type: string

Unique task identifier.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long

Type: string

Unique resource identifier.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long

Type: string

Unique resource name.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 100 characters long

Type: string

Unique role identifier.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long

Type: string

Unique role name.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 100 characters long

Type: enum (of string)

Resource type selection:
• labor where DS06.EOC = labor
• nonlabor where DS06.EOC is not labor
• material where DS06.EOC is not labor

Must be one of:

  • "labor"
  • "nonlabor"
  • "material"

Type: enum (of string)

EOC selection:
• labor
• material
• subcontract
• indirect (may be used after coordination with PM. To consist only of indirect costs).

Must be one of:

  • "labor"
  • "material"
  • "subcontract"
  • "ODC"
  • "indirect"

Type: stringFormat: date

Resource start date.
For FC IMS, updated resource start or started date.



Type: stringFormat: date

Resource finish date.
For FC IMS, updated resource finish or finished date.



Type: number

Total budget (dollars) aligned with BCWS.

Type: number

Total actual (dollars) aligned with BCWP.

Type: number

Total remaining (dollars) aligned with ETC.

Type: number

Total budget (units) aligned with BCWS.
Units of measure are specified in UOM field.

Type: number

Total actual (units) aligned with BCWP.
Units of measure are specified in UOM field.
Note: This represents BCWP, not ACWP.

Type: number

Total remaining (units) aligned with ETC.
Units of measure are specified in UOM field.

Type: string

Unit of measure.
If resource_type is labor or non-labor, it is h.
If it is material it is a string.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 20 characters long



Type: number

Task relationship remaining lag (work days) based on predecessor's calendar.
The data is positive if lag.
The data is negative if lead.

Type: number

Task relationship planned lag (work days) based on predecessor's calendar.
The data is positive if lag.
The data is negative if lead.

Type: string

Unique subproject identifier.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long

Type: string

Calendar name for resource.
Align with DS19.calendar_name and DS20.calender_name.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 1000 characters long

Type: string

For use only for debugging and testing with the PARS support team. This field should be omitted in production data.
The field should consist of a comma separated list of unique DIQ identifiers that this row of data is expected to trigger.


Type: object

This object should be populated with the project's contractor IPMR header data aligned with DS01 to DS06 and DS09 to DS12. Provide the contractor EVMS cost tool IPMR header data. This object contains IPMR header information so does not have an array of objects like other DS objects.

No Additional Properties

Type: string

Unique DOE contract number and, if applicable, CLIN(s).

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 255 characters long

Type: enum (of string)

Contract type selection:
• FFP = firm fixed price
• FPE = fixed price escalation
• FPI = fixed price incentive
• CPIF = cost plus incentive fee
• CPAF = cost plus award fee
• CPDS = cost plus fixed fee
• CPE = cost plus expenses
• CPP = cost plus percentage

Must be one of:

  • "FFP"
  • "FPE"
  • "FPI"
  • "CPIF"
  • "CPAF"
  • "CPDS"
  • "CPE"
  • "CPP"

Type: number

UB, budget applicable to the contract effort not yet distributed to the WBS identifiers at or below the reporting level (work days).

Type: number

EAC for scope of work represented by the UB (work days).

Type: number

UB, budget applicable to the contract effort not yet distributed to the WBS identifiers at or below the reporting level.

Type: number

EAC for scope of work represented by the UB.

Type: number

MR excluding OTB and OTS.

Type: number

MR reprogramming adjustment factoring OTB and OTS.

Type: number

AUW of the authorized, unpriced work for approved work scope that has not been definitized by the contracting officer. Amount is the procuring contracting officer's best estimate. Excludes fee and profit. AUW cannot be negative. For effort de-scoped and not yet reflected in the CBB.

Value must be greater or equal to 0 and a multiple of 0.01

Type: number

NCC on which project was reached as of the reflected reporting period. Excludes fee and profit. For an incentive contract, the definitized contract target cost. For a cost plus fixed fee or award fee contract, the estimated negotiated cost that consists only of the estimates amount for changes in the contract scope of work and not for cost change (overrun or underrun) from the original cost. Amount for changes shall not be included until definitized in the contract.

Type: number

CBB, the NCC plus AUW.

Type: stringFormat: date

Date last OTB or OTS was approved by DOE and implemented.
Not required if no OTB or OTS.



Type: number

TAB, total budget value allocated to the performance of the contractual effort including MR and UB.
Excludes fee and profit.

Type: number

Target profit or fee that applies to the negotiated contract cost.

Type: number

Contractor's best case EAC for the contract cost for all authorized contractual efforts.
Excludes fee and profit.

Type: number

Contractor's most likely case EAC for the contract cost for all authorized contractual efforts.
Excludes fee and profit.

Type: number

Contractor's worst case EAC for the contract cost for all authorized contractual efforts.
Excludes fee and profit.

Type: stringFormat: date

Contractor's best case EAC date for all authorized contractual efforts.

Type: stringFormat: date

Contractor's most likely case EAC date for all authorized contractual efforts.

Type: stringFormat: date

Contractor's worst case EAC date for all authorized contractual efforts.

Type: number

Escalation rate for DS07.TAB.

Type: number

Quantitative risk analysis confidence level for cost DS07.MR_rpg and DS07.MR_bgt.

Value must be greater or equal to 0 and lesser or equal to 1 and a multiple of 0.01

Type: number

Quantitative risk analysis confidence level for schedule and aligned with DS07.MR_rpg and DS07.MR_bgt.

Value must be greater or equal to 0 and lesser or equal to 1 and a multiple of 0.01

Type: number

Project cost threshold (dollar) for cumulative variance analysis at CA WBS level, favorable.

Type: number

Project cost threshold (dollar) for cumulative variance analysis at CA WBS level, unfavorable.

Type: number

Project cost threshold (percent) for cumulative variance analysis CA WBS level, favorable.

Value must be greater or equal to 0 and lesser or equal to 1 and a multiple of 0.01

Type: number

Project cost threshold (percent) for cumulative variance analysis CA WBS level, unfavorable.

Value must be greater or equal to 0 and lesser or equal to 1 and a multiple of 0.01

Type: number

Project cost threshold (dollar) for incremental variance analysis CA WBS level, favorable.

Type: number

Project cost threshold (dollar) for incremental variance analysis CA WBS level, unfavorable.

Type: number

Project cost threshold (percent) for incremental variance analysis CA WBS level, favorable.

Value must be greater or equal to 0 and lesser or equal to 1 and a multiple of 0.01

Type: number

Project cost threshold (percent) for incremental variance analysis CA WBS level, unfavorable.

Value must be greater or equal to 0 and lesser or equal to 1 and a multiple of 0.01

Type: number

Project cost threshold (dollar) for VAC at project level, favorable.

Type: number

Project cost threshold (dollar) for VAC at project level, unfavorable.

Type: number

Project cost threshold (percent) for VAC at project level, favorable.

Value must be greater or equal to 0 and lesser or equal to 1 and a multiple of 0.01

Type: number

Project cost threshold (percent) for VAC at project level, unfavorable.

Value must be greater or equal to 0 and lesser or equal to 1 and a multiple of 0.01

Type: number

Project schedule threshold (dollar) for cumulative variance analysis at CA WBS level, favorable.

Type: number

Project schedule threshold (dollar) for cumulative variance analysis at CA WBS level, unfavorable.

Type: number

Project schedule threshold (percent) for cumulative variance analysis CA WBS level, favorable.

Value must be greater or equal to 0 and lesser or equal to 1 and a multiple of 0.01

Type: number

Project schedule threshold (percent) for cumulative variance analysis CA WBS level, unfavorable.

Value must be greater or equal to 0 and lesser or equal to 1 and a multiple of 0.01

Type: number

Project schedule threshold (dollar) for incremental variance analysis CA WBS level, favorable.

Type: number

Project schedule threshold (dollar) for incremental variance analysis CA WBS level, unfavorable.

Type: number

Project schedule threshold (percent) for incremental variance analysis CA WBS level, favorable.

Value must be greater or equal to 0 and lesser or equal to 1 and a multiple of 0.01

Type: number

Project schedule threshold (percent) for incremental variance analysis CA WBS level, unfavorable.

Value must be greater or equal to 0 and lesser or equal to 1 and a multiple of 0.01

Type: enum (of string)

Represents whether actual costs are collected at the control account level. If both DS03.ACWPi_dollars and DS03.ACWPi_hours for entire project are reported at DS01.type = CA then Y; otherwise, N for DS03.ACWPi_dollars and DS03.ACWPi_hours for entire project are reported at DS01.type = WP or PP

Must be one of:

  • "Y"
  • "N"

Type: string

For use only for debugging and testing with the PARS support team. This field should be omitted in production data.
The field should consist of a comma separated list of unique DIQ identifiers that this row of data is expected to trigger.


Type: array of object

This data set should be populated with the approved project's contractor WAD data for the entire span of the project (not the contract) to include from initial and all revisions.
The contractor WAD data by CA and SLPP WBS level and optional by PP and WP WBS levels.

Must contain a minimum of 1 items

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

This object represents a WAD record for a project

No Additional Properties

Type: string

Unique WAD identifier.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long

Type: string

WAD version.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long

Type: string

WAD title.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 255 characters long

Type: string

CA or SLPP WBS identifier.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 150 characters long

Type: string

WP or PP WBS identifier.

Type: string

Date WAD was last signed by contractor project manager.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 255 characters long

Type: string

Date WAD was last signed by CAM.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 255 characters long

Type: string

Date WAD was last signed by WPM.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 255 characters long

Type: stringFormat: date

Date WAD was initially signed by contractor project manager.



Type: enum (of string)

Provide if WBS_ID_WP is provided.
EVT selection that should be aligned with DS03.EVT and DS04.EVT:
• A = LOE
• B = weighted milestones
• C = percent complete or for use in DS03, discrete
• D = units complete
• E = 50-50
• F = 0-100
• G = 100-0
• H = variation of 50-50
• J = apportioned
• K = planning package (overrides where DS01.type = PP or SLPP)
• L = assignment percent complete
• M = calculated apportionment
• N = steps
• O = earned as spent
• P = percent manual entry
Discrete EVTs for metrics consists of B, C, D, E, F, G, H, L, N, O, P.

Must be one of:

  • "A"
  • "B"
  • "C"
  • "D"
  • "E"
  • "F"
  • "G"
  • "H"
  • "J"
  • "K"
  • "L"
  • "M"
  • "N"
  • "O"
  • "P"
  • "NA"

Type: number

Total budget for EOC labor (dollars).

Type: number

Total budget for EOC material (dollars).

Type: number

Total budget for EOC subcontract (dollars).

Type: number

Total budget for EOC ODC (dollars).

Type: number

Total budget for EOC indirect (dollars).

Type: number

Total labor budget (hours).

Type: stringFormat: date

WBS POP start date, as defined by the latest approved baseline change.
Not required if DS10.transaction_ID is not DB.



Type: stringFormat: date

WBS POP finish date, as defined by the latest approved baseline change.
Not required if DS10.transaction_ID is not DB.



Type: string

CAM who signed WAD.
Format: [last name] space [first name] space [middle initial, optional]

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 100 characters long

Type: string

PP or WP WBS level manager.
Optional if DS01.type = PP or WP.
Format: [last name] space [first name] space [middle initial, optional]

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 100 characters long

Type: string

Contractor project manager.
Format: [last name] space [first name] space [middle initial, optional]

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 100 characters long

Type: string

CA WBS scope statement (not title) encompassing all scope per WAD and aligned with DS01.narrative and DS02.narrative.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Type: string

For use only for debugging and testing with the PARS support team. This field should be omitted in production data.
The field should consist of a comma separated list of unique DIQ identifiers that this row of data is expected to trigger.


Type: array of object

This data set should be populated with the project's contractor project change control log data for the entire span of the project (not the contract).
Provide the contractor approved project change control log data by CC_log identifier.
The data should include the initial CC_log and the initial deposit at the start of the project.

Must contain a minimum of 1 items

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

This object represents a CC log record for a project

No Additional Properties

Type: string

CC identifier.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long

Type: string

Supplemental CC_log_ID, e.g. revisions.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long

Type: string

For CCs that are approving distribution of budget from UB, this should have original CC_log_ID that approved increase of UB account through AUW or modification.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long

Type: enum (of string)

Change type selection (per DOE Project Management Lexicon of Terms):
• Funding

Must be one of:

  • "BCP"
  • "BCR"
  • "Funding"

Type: string

Provide when CC_log_ID is associated with a contract mod.

Type: string

Scope description. (Do not include unapproved changes)

Must be at least 1 characters long

Type: stringFormat: date

Approved date.



Type: stringFormat: date

Date during which the change has been implemented within contractor systems.



Type: number

Total increase or decrease in budgeted dollars authorized by the change request. Represents the summation of the transactions detailed in DS10 CC_log_detail.

Type: number

Total increase or decrease in budgeted number of hours authorized by the change request. Represents the summation of the transactions detailed in DS10 CC_log_detail.

Type: string

Contractor project manager.
Format: [last name] space [first name] space [middle initial, optional]

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 100 characters long

Type: string

List of risk_IDs addressed by CC_log_ID.
Aligns with DS15.risk_ID.
If multiple identifiers, separate with semicolons.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 255 characters long

Type: string

For use only for debugging and testing with the PARS support team. This field should be omitted in production data.
The field should consist of a comma separated list of unique DIQ identifiers that this row of data is expected to trigger.


Type: array of object

This data set should be populated with the project's contractor project change control log transaction data for DS09. Provide the contractor approved project change control log transaction data by CC_log identifier. The data should consist of CC_logs, each resulting in zero-sum of dollars that are moved between the transaction categories, unless new budget is added to the CBB.

Must contain a minimum of 1 items

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

This object represents a CC log detail record for a project.

No Additional Properties

Type: string

Unique transaction identifier.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long

Type: enum (of string)

Transaction category selection:
• CNT = DOE contingency
• DB = distributed budget (should also be identified by the CA WBS)
• UB = undistributed budget account
• MR = management reserve account
• OTB = over-target baseline only
• OTS = over-target schedule only
• funding
• profit-fee

Must be one of:

  • "CNT"
  • "DB"
  • "UB"
  • "MR"
  • "OTB"
  • "OTS"
  • "OTB-OTS"
  • "funding"
  • "profit-fee"

Type: string

CC identifier.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long

Type: string

Transaction summary information.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Type: string

WBS identifier.
Project level required for UB, MR, CNT.
CA or lower level required if transaction type is DB.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 150 characters long

Type: number

CC_log impact (dollars) that changes the balance.

Value must be greater or equal to 0 and a multiple of 0.01

Type: number

CC_log impact (hours) that changes the balance.

Value must be greater or equal to 0 and a multiple of 0.01

Type: enum (of string)

Transaction is for AUW.

Must be one of:

  • "Y"
  • "N"

Type: number

NTE for DS10.AUW.

Type: stringFormat: date

CA or WP WBS POP start date, only if modified.



Type: stringFormat: date

CA or WP WBS POP finish date, only if modified.



Type: string

For use only for debugging and testing with the PARS support team. This field should be omitted in production data.
The field should consist of a comma separated list of unique DIQ identifiers that this row of data is expected to trigger.


Type: array of object

This data set should be populated with the project's contractor variance data. Provide the contractor variance data by WBS identifier; for project, use the project level WBS identifier.

Must contain a minimum of 1 items

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

This object represents a variance record for a project

No Additional Properties

Type: string

WBS identifier.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 150 characters long

Type: enum (of string)

Narrative type selection:
• 100 PRJ = project level summary
• 110 RPG = project level formal reprogramming analysis
• 120 VAC = project level VAC analysis
• 130 EAC = project level EAC analysis
• 140 UB = project level UB analysis
• 150 MR = project level MR analysis
• 160 IMS = project level IMS discussion
• 170 F3 = project level IPMR F3 discussion
• 180 F4 = project level IPMR F4 discussion
• 200 SLPP = summary level planning package (The data should not have SV or CV.)
• 300 CA = control account
• 400 PP = planning package (The data should not have SV or CV.)
• 500 WP = work package

Must be one of:

  • "100"
  • "110"
  • "120"
  • "130"
  • "140"
  • "150"
  • "160"
  • "170"
  • "200"
  • "300"
  • "400"
  • "500"

Type: string

Overall narrative.
Provide if DS11.narrative_type <200

Must be at least 1 characters long

Type: string

Root cause narrative for incremental schedule variance.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Type: string

Root cause narrative for incremental cost variance.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Type: string

Root cause narrative for cumulative schedule variance.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Type: string

Root cause narrative for cumulative cost variance.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Type: string

Impact narrative for technical variance.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Type: string

Impact narrative for cumulative schedule variance.
If DS11.narrative_impact_schedule_inc is not utilized, provide combined cumulative and incremental narrative for schedule variance.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Type: string

Impact narrative for cumulative cost variance.
If DS11.narrative_impact_cost_inc is not utilized, provide combined cumulative and incremental narrative for cost variance.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Type: string

Impact narrative for incremental schedule variance.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Type: string

Impact narrative for incremental cost variance.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Type: string

Unique corrective action log identifier(s).
If multiple identifiers, separate with semicolons.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Type: stringFormat: date

Approved date by CAM.

Type: string

For use only for debugging and testing with the PARS support team. This field should be omitted in production data.
The field should consist of a comma separated list of unique DIQ identifiers that this row of data is expected to trigger.


Type: array of object

This data set should be populated with the project's contractor corrective action data for DS11.
Provide the contractor corrective action data by corrective action identifier.
The data should validate that corrective actions for variances are addressed, monitored, and mitigated.
The data may be limited to the corrective actions that are open or closed within the current reporting period, based on coordination with DOE.

Must contain a minimum of 1 items

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

This object represents a variance CAL record for a project

No Additional Properties

Type: string

Corrective action log identifier.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Type: string

Unique transaction identifier.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long

Type: string

Corrective action narrative for cumulative schedule variance.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Type: string

Corrective action narrative for cumulative cost variance.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Type: string

Name of the person responsible for closing corrective action.
Does not have to be the same as CAM.
Format: [last name] space [first name] space [middle initial, optional].

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 100 characters long

Type: enum (of string)

Current status of corrective action Item as it exists in contractor log.
• open
• closed

Must be one of:

  • "open"
  • "closed"

Type: stringFormat: date

Date of the initial corrective action.



Type: stringFormat: date

Original due date by which corrective action was supposed to be closed.



Type: stringFormat: date

Forecast due date that indicates expected closure date for the corrective action. DS12.closed_date if closed.



Type: stringFormat: date

Actual date when corrective action was closed.



Type: string

For use only for debugging and testing with the PARS support team. This field should be omitted in production data.
The field should consist of a comma separated list of unique DIQ identifiers that this row of data is expected to trigger.


Type: array of object

This data set should be populated with the project's subcontract work data as reported by the subcontractors to the contractor.
The data should include all subcontracts that have discrete work and that have schedule or cost reporting requirements.
The data should be updated as subcontracts are negotiated.
The data may be limited to a single line per subcontract due to type or size of the subcontract or data availability, based on coordination with DOE.

Must contain a minimum of 1 items

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

This object represents a subcontract work data record for a project

No Additional Properties

Type: string

Unique subcontract identifier (e.g., subcontract name).

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long

Type: string

Unique task ID from subcontract schedule.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long

Type: string

DS04.task_ID associated with subcontract work.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long

Type: number

BCWS cumulative (dollars).

Type: number

BCWP cumulative (dollars).

Type: number

ACWP cumulative (dollars).

Type: number

DB (dollars).

Type: number

BAC initial (dollars).

Type: number

EAC (dollars).

Type: stringFormat: date

Baseline start date.



Type: stringFormat: date

Baseline finish date.



Type: stringFormat: date

Forecast start date.



Type: stringFormat: date

Forecast finish date.



Type: stringFormat: date

Actual start date.



Type: stringFormat: date

Actual finish date.



Type: number

MR remaining (dollars).

Type: number

MR initial (dollars).

Type: number

Profit fee remaining (dollars).

Type: number

Profit fee earned (dollars).

Type: number

Profit fee initial (dollars).

Type: string

Purchase order identifier.

Type: enum (of string)

DOE Order 413.3B CRD flow down required.

Must be one of:

  • "Y"
  • "N"

Type: string

For use only for debugging and testing with the PARS support team. This field should be omitted in production data.
The field should consist of a comma separated list of unique DIQ identifiers that this row of data is expected to trigger.


Type: array of object

This data set should be populated with the project's contractor HDV-CI data. Provide the contractor HDV-CI data by WBS and HDV-CI identifiers.

Must contain a minimum of 1 items

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

This object represents a HDV-CI record for a project

No Additional Properties

Type: string

Unique HDV-CI identifier. This data should align with DS04.HDV_CI_ID.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long

Type: string

HDV-CI description.

Type: string

Subcontract identifier.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long

Type: string

Purchase order identifier.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long

Type: string

Equipment identifier.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long

Type: string

For use only for debugging and testing with the PARS support team. This field should be omitted in production data.
The field should consist of a comma separated list of unique DIQ identifiers that this row of data is expected to trigger.


Type: array of object

This data set should be populated with the project's contractor risk log for the entire span of the project (not the contract). Provide the contractor risk log by risk identifier. The data should be updated through the CPP_status_date.

Must contain a minimum of 1 items

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

This object represents a risk register record for a project

No Additional Properties

Type: string

Unique risk identifier.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 255 characters long

Type: string

Current revision number for the DS15.risk_ID

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long

Type: string

Risk description.
Format: if then.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 500 characters long

Type: enum (of string)

Risk type selection:
• T = threat
• O = opportunity

Must be one of:

  • "T"
  • "O"

Type: string

Risk manager.
Format: [last name] space [first name] space [middle initial, optional].

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 100 characters long

Type: enum (of string)

Risk owner selection:
• federal
• contractor

Must be one of:

  • "federal"
  • "contractor"

Type: stringFormat: date

Approved date with risk handling selection.



Type: stringFormat: date

Date risk realized.



Type: stringFormat: date

Risk closed date when risk is no longer actively tracked but remains on the risk log.



Type: number

Risk event probability schedule min. (percent).

Value must be greater or equal to 0 and lesser or equal to 1 and a multiple of 0.01

Type: number

Risk event probability schedule max. (percent).

Value must be greater or equal to 0 and lesser or equal to 1 and a multiple of 0.01

Type: number

Risk event probability cost min. (percent).

Value must be greater or equal to 0 and lesser or equal to 1 and a multiple of 0.01

Type: number

Risk event probability cost max. (percent).

Value must be greater or equal to 0 and lesser or equal to 1 and a multiple of 0.01

Type: enum (of string)

Risk handling selections:
• avoid
• mitigate
• transfer
• accept

Must be one of:

  • "avoid"
  • "mitigate"
  • "transfer"
  • "accept"

Type: string


Type: string

For use only for debugging and testing with the PARS support team. This field should be omitted in production data.
The field should consist of a comma separated list of unique DIQ identifiers that this row of data is expected to trigger.


Type: array of object

This data set should be populated with the project's contractor risk log tasks for the entire span of the project (not the contract).
Provide the contractor risk log tasks by risk identifier.
The data should be updated through the CPP_status_date.

Must contain a minimum of 1 items

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

This object represents a risk register tasks record for a project

No Additional Properties

Type: string

Risk identifier.
Align with DS15.risk_ID.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 255 characters long

Type: string

Risk task type selections:
• event (risk trigger, when risk is relevant. If no event task for a risk_ID, then assume risk is relevant for the entire project.)
• impact

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long

Type: string

Event or impact task identifier.
Aligned with DS04.task_ID and based on DS16.risk_task_type.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long

Type: number

Provide if DS16.risk_task_type = impact, schedule impact (calendar days) min.

Type: number

Provide if DS16.risk_task_type = impact, schedule impact (calendar days) most likely.

Type: number

Provide if DS16.risk_task_type = impact, schedule impact (calendar days) max.

Type: number

Provide if DS16.risk_task_type = impact, cost impact (dollars) min.

Type: number

Provide if DS16.risk_task_type = impact, cost impact (dollars) most likely.

Type: number

Provide if DS16.risk_task_type = impact, cost impact (dollars) max.

Type: string

For use only for debugging and testing with the PARS support team. This field should be omitted in production data.
The field should consist of a comma separated list of unique DIQ identifiers that this row of data is expected to trigger.


Type: array of object

This data set should be populated with the project's contractor WBS EU data for each DS01.WBS and basis documented. Provide the contractor WBS EU data.

Must contain a minimum of 1 items

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

This object represents a forward pricing record for a project

No Additional Properties

Type: string

Unique contractor WP or PP WBS identifier.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 150 characters long

Type: enum (of string)

EOC selection:
• labor
• material
• subcontract

Must be one of:

  • "labor"
  • "material"
  • "subcontract"
  • "ODC"

Type: number

EU min. (dollars) work remaining.

Type: number

EU most likely (dollars) work remaining.

Type: number

EU max. (dollars) work remaining.

Type: enum (of string)

WBS is time-dependent (Y or N) for one or more associated tasks.

Must be one of:

  • "Y"
  • "N"

Type: string

Add justification narrative if WBS EU distribution is not triangular.
Not required if WBS EU distribution is triangular or WBS is completed or closed.

Type: string

Unique subproject identifier.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long

Type: string

For use only for debugging and testing with the PARS support team. This field should be omitted in production data.
The field should consist of a comma separated list of unique DIQ identifiers that this row of data is expected to trigger.


Type: array of object

This data set should be populated with the project's contractor task EU data for each DS04.task_ID.
Provide the contractor schedule EU data.

Must contain a minimum of 1 items

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

This object represents a forward pricing record for a project

No Additional Properties

Type: enum (of string)

Schedule type selection:
• BL = baseline
• FC = forecast

Must be one of:

  • "BL"
  • "FC"

Type: string

Unique task identifier.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long

Type: integer

EU min. (work days) remaining.

Type: integer

EU most likely (work days) work remaining.

Type: integer

EU max. (work days) work remaining.

Type: string

Add justification narrative if activity is incomplete and task EU distribution is not triangular.

Type: string

Unique subproject identifier.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long

Type: string

For use only for debugging and testing with the PARS support team. This field should be omitted in production data.
The field should consist of a comma separated list of unique DIQ identifiers that this row of data is expected to trigger.


Type: array of object

This data set should be populated with the project's contractor IMS tool standard work week calendar data for the entire span of the project (not the contract).
Each weekday is limited to 3 shifts (A, B, and C) for breaks in between shifts, starting with shift A, half hour increments, and no overlaps.
If more than 3 shifts, 3rd shift should be stretched to the last shift.
There should be alignment between the BL and FC IMSs.

Must contain a minimum of 1 items

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

This item represents a calendar object assigned to a project, activity or a resource.

No Additional Properties

Type: string

Unique calendar name.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 1000 characters long

Type: number

Hours per day.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_A_start time, Monday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_A_stop time, Monday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_B_start time, Monday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_B_stop time, Monday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_C_start time, Monday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_C_stop time, Monday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_A_start time, Tuesday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_A_stop time, Tuesday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_B_start time, Tuesday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_B_stop time, Tuesday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_C_start time, Tuesday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_C_stop time, Tuesday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_A_start time, Wednesday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_A_stop time, Wednesday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_B_start time, Wednesday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_B_stop time, Wednesday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_C_start time, Wednesday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_C_stop time, Wednesday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_A_start time, Thursday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_A_stop time, Thursday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_B_start time, Thursday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_B_stop time, Thursday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_C_start time, Thursday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_C_stop time, Thursday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_A_start time, Friday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_A_stop time, Friday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_B_start time, Friday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_B_stop time, Friday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_C_start time, Friday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_C_stop time, Friday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_A_start time, Saturday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_A_stop time, Saturday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_B_start time, Saturday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_B_stop time, Saturday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_C_start time, Saturday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_C_stop time, Saturday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_A_start time, Sunday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_A_stop time, Sunday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_B_start time, Sunday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_B_stop time, Sunday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_C_start time, Sunday.

Type: stringFormat: time

Standard work week shift_C_stop time, Sunday.

Type: string

Unique subproject identifier.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long

Type: string

For use only for debugging and testing with the PARS support team. This field should be omitted in production data.
The field should consist of a comma separated list of unique DIQ identifiers that this row of data is expected to trigger.


Type: array of object

This data set should be populated with the project's contractor IMS tool calendar exception data for the entire span of the project (not the contract).
Exception day is limited to 3 shifts (A, B, and C) for breaks in between shifts, starting with shift A, half hour increments, and no overlaps.
If more than 3 shifts, 3rd shift should be stretched to the last shift.
There should be alignment between the BL and FC IMSs.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

This item represents an exception such as a holiday, associated with a DS19.calendar_name.

No Additional Properties

Type: string

Calendar name.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 1000 characters long

Type: stringFormat: date

Date of exception.

Type: enum (of string)

Exception is a work day (Y or N).
If Y then all day is exception and shift times do not need to be provided.
If N then provide shift times.

Must be one of:

  • "Y"
  • "N"

Type: stringFormat: time

Exception shift_A_start time.

Type: stringFormat: time

Exception shift_A_stop time.

Type: stringFormat: time

Exception shift_B_start time.

Type: stringFormat: time

Exception shift_B_stop time.

Type: stringFormat: time

Exception shift_C_start time.

Type: stringFormat: time

Exception shift_C_stop time.

Type: string

Unique subproject identifier.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long

Type: string

For use only for debugging and testing with the PARS support team. This field should be omitted in production data.
The field should consist of a comma separated list of unique DIQ identifiers that this row of data is expected to trigger.


Type: array of object

This data set should be populated with the project's contractor EVMS cost tool resource rates.
Provide the contractor EVMS cost tool resource rates by WP WBS level, resource identifier, and applicable FYs.
The data may be UCNI.

Must contain a minimum of 1 items

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

This object represents a rate record for a project

No Additional Properties

Type: string

Resource identifier.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long

Type: enum (of string)

EOC selection aligned with DS03.EOC:
• labor
• material
• subcontract

Must be one of:

  • "labor"
  • "material"
  • "subcontract"
  • "ODC"

Type: string

Burden identifier (or overhead key) from accounting system, used to calculate indirect rate.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 50 characters long

Type: enum (of string)

Rate type:
• D = direct rate
• I = indirect rate

Must be one of:

  • "D"
  • "I"

Type: stringFormat: date

Start date for which the rate is applicable.

Type: number

Rate (dollars).

Type: string

For use only for debugging and testing with the PARS support team. This field should be omitted in production data.
The field should consist of a comma separated list of unique DIQ identifiers that this row of data is expected to trigger.


Type: array of object

This data set should be populated with the project's contractor financial tool calendar for the entire span of the project (not the contract).

Must contain a minimum of 1 items

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

This object represents a contractor financial tool calendar

No Additional Properties

Type: string

Unique calendar name.

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 1000 characters long

Type: stringFormat: date

Time-phased period end dates.
The data should align with the contractor data-as-of date and the CPP_status_date.
The delta between sequential dates should be a month.
There should be no more than 12 period dates in a fiscal year.

Type: integer

Period identifier.
The data is >0, starting with 1 and increments by 1.

Value must be greater or equal to 1 and lesser or equal to 600

Type: string

For use only for debugging and testing with the PARS support team. This field should be omitted in production data.
The field should consist of a comma separated list of unique DIQ identifiers that this row of data is expected to trigger.